With an urgent demand for exceptionally talented artists for Voice Over Services in the performing arts and media industries, everyone's after the best professionals. Wide Transcription will provide your needs for high-caliber voice artists.
We house stellar voice talents for narration production, IVR, broadcasting, music-on-hold, and more. We also guarantee best accuracy , and absolute security and confidentiality for voice over services.
Want to find the perfect voice? Listen to free samples, or request for free voice casting.You might question what's better about hiring a virtual work force for voice over services. Besides cheaper recording rates, you won't pay expensive studio fees. Plus, we let you know your project cost up-front, after completing our form. Get your free quote now.
Talk to our support agents via toll-free call. If you need urgent assistance, click online chat, and we connect with you instantly.
We understand your need to hire talents that are rare, sophisticated, versatile, realistic, or with extraordinary abilities – depending on your project. We have the solutions you need 24/7/365.